About Me

Mohd Abdul Muqeet Danish

  • A student who loves Graphics Development, Web Development and Programming.
  • Currently studying in MVSR Engineering College, affliated to Osmania University.
  • Student Network Member, Design Team Volunteer at IEEE Hyderabad Section
  • Member, Computer Society of India
  • Member, Python Software Foundation
  • Github Developer Program Member
  • Education

    1. B.E in Computer Science Engineering (2018-2022)
    2. MVSR Engineering College, Hyderabad
      CGPA : 8.5 (Till 4th Sem)
    3. Intermediate (2016-2018)
    4. Narayana Junior College, Hyderabad
      Percentage : 97.5 %
    5. Matriculation (2016)
    6. Azra Public School, Hyderabad (CBSE Board)
      CGPA : 10.0

    Technical Skills

    1. Languages: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, C/C++, Java, Python
    2. Libraries/Frameworks: Bootstrap, ReactJS
    3. IT Constructs: OOPS, OS, DBMS
    4. Other: Hosting, GitHub


    1. Organized "CoDecode" - A coding competition in CSI National Level Symposium
    2. Organized "Codigo" - A coding competition in MVSR Technovanza 2020
    3. Got Best Volunteer Award in MVSR Technovanza 2020
    4. Selected as Design Committee Head at IEEE MVSR Student Branch for the year 2020-21
    5. Selected as Student Network Member, Design Team Volunteer at IEEE Hyderabad Section for the year 2021-22


    1. AI For Everyone - deeplearning.io
    2. Crash Course on Python - Coursera | Google
    3. Networking Essentials - Cisco
    4. Cybersecurity Essentials - Cisco
    5. Programming Essentials in Python - Cisco
    6. Programming Essentials in C - Cisco
    7. Programming Essentials in C++ - Cisco


    Banana Talk

    Translator to convert the text from English to Minionspeak or Banana language.
    1. Languages: HTML5,CSS3, JavaScript
    2. Library: React
    Link Source Code

    Bookmarker Application

    Stores website’s URL in browser’s local storage as key-value pair
    1. Languages: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
    2. Framework: Bootstrap
    Link Source Code